Category: Science

Scientists detect signatures of life remotely

It could be a milestone on the path to detecting life on other planets: Scientists detect a key molecular property of all living o...

Most cancer cells grown in a dish have little in common...

In a bid to find or refine laboratory research models for cancer that better compare with what happens in living people, scientist...

Unraveling the origin of Alzheimer's disease

Researchers studying prions -- misfolded proteins that cause lethal incurable diseases -- have identified the surface features of ...

Physicists bring human-scale object to near standstill,...

In the last few decades, physicists have found ways to super-cool objects so that their atoms are at a near standstill, wrestling ...

New method could reveal what genes we might have inheri...

Using neural networks, researchers have developed a new method to search the human genome for beneficial mutations from Neandertha...

We cannot cheat aging and death, study indicates

Philosophers, artists and scientists -- and probably all the rest of us -- have long obsessed over the key to human immortality. W...

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