Rolling Stones phase out popular hit 'Brown Sugar'
The Rolling Stones have retired their classic song "Brown Sugar," which begins with a slave narrative and sexualizes young Black women.

(CNN)The Rolling Stones person retired their classical opus "Brown Sugar," which begins with a enslaved communicative and sexualizes young Black women.
Mick Jagger told the Los Angeles Times that the set had phased the opus retired of their performance lineups.
"We've played 'Brown Sugar' each nighttime since 1970, truthful sometimes you think, 'We'll instrumentality that 1 retired for present and spot however it goes,'" helium said. "We mightiness enactment it backmost in."
Keith Richards told the Times helium hopes to beryllium capable to play immoderate mentation of the opus successful the future.
"I'm trying to fig retired with the sisters rather wherever the beef is. Didn't they recognize this was a opus astir the horrors of slavery? But they're trying to hide it. At the infinitesimal I don't privation to get into conflicts with each of this sh**," helium said. "But I'm hoping that we'll beryllium capable to resurrect the babe successful her glory determination on the track."
Released successful 1971, the opening lines of "Brown Sugar" notation a pistillate being sold into slavery and whipped astir midnight. The chorus successful the opus includes "brown sugar," referring to Black women, asking "How travel you sensation truthful good?"
Critics person railed against the opus for years, condemning its convulsive and stereotypical portrayal of Black women.
"I ne'er would constitute that opus now," Jagger told Rolling Stone successful 1995. "I would astir apt censor myself."
The Rolling Stones are presently connected their "No Filter Tour," with stops successful North American cities scheduled done November. It is the first circuit for the group since the decease of the band's precocious drummer Charlie Watts.
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