Most Effective Vegan Cheese Substitutes for Lactose Intolerance

7 months ago 123

Best Vegan Cheese Alternatives for Lactose Intolerance

Lactose intolerance is a common dietary concern affecting millions of people worldwide. It occurs when the body lacks sufficient lactase, the enzyme needed to digest lactose, a sugar found in dairy products. For those with lactose intolerance, consuming traditional cheese can lead to digestive discomfort and other unwanted symptoms. Thankfully, the rise of plant-based diets has brought about a plethora of delicious vegan cheese alternatives that cater to both lactose-intolerant individuals and those seeking cruelty-free, environmentally friendly options. In this article, we'll explore the best vegan cheese alternatives available today, offering a delectable solution to satisfy your cheese cravings without the lactose.


Daiya is one of the pioneers in the vegan cheese industry. Their products are known for their meltability, making them perfect for classic dishes like grilled cheese sandwiches and pizzas. Daiya offers a wide range of cheese alternatives, including shreds, slices, and cream cheeses, all of which are lactose-free. Their cheeses are made from ingredients such as tapioca starch, coconut oil, and pea protein, resulting in a creamy and flavorful texture.


Violife has gained a strong reputation for producing dairy-free cheese alternatives that taste remarkably similar to traditional cheese. Their product line includes various flavors and textures, such as cheddar, mozzarella, and feta. Violife cheese is made from a combination of potato starch, coconut oil, and rice protein, delivering a satisfyingly cheesy experience without lactose.

Miyoko's Creamery

Miyoko's Creamery takes a different approach to vegan cheese, focusing on artisanal, cultured cheeses. Their products are crafted from cashews and aged to perfection, providing a gourmet alternative for cheese connoisseurs. With options like Double Cream Chive, Smoked Farmhouse, and Black Ash, Miyoko's offers a sophisticated selection of lactose-free cheese.

Follow Your Heart

Follow Your Heart's dairy-free cheese alternatives are both versatile and delicious. They offer a range of shredded cheese blends, slices, and blocks suitable for various culinary applications. Made from ingredients like palm oil, potato starch, and pea protein, Follow Your Heart cheeses have a rich and creamy taste that can be used in sandwiches, salads, and casseroles.

Kite Hill

Kite Hill specializes in almond-based vegan cheeses, which are cultured to develop a complex and authentic cheese flavor. Their almond milk cream cheeses and soft cheeses are excellent choices for spreading on bagels or crackers. Kite Hill products are free from lactose and gluten, making them suitable for a wide range of dietary needs.

Chao by Field Roast

Chao cheese slices by Field Roast have become a fan favorite among vegans and lactose-intolerant individuals alike. These slices offer a unique and savory taste, thanks to the inclusion of fermented tofu. They come in flavors like Tomato Cayenne and Creamy Original, providing options for various culinary creations, from sandwiches to cheese platters.

Treeline Treenut Cheese

Treeline Treenut Cheese offers a range of dairy-free cheeses made from cashews. These cheeses are fermented to develop their distinct flavors and textures. Whether you're looking for a creamy soft cheese or a hard cheese for grating, Treeline has options to satisfy your cravings without lactose.

Nutritional Yeast

Nutritional yeast, often referred to as "nooch," is a versatile ingredient that adds a cheesy, umami flavor to dishes. While not a direct substitute for traditional cheese, it is an essential ingredient in many vegan cheese recipes. Sprinkle it on popcorn, pasta, or roasted vegetables to enhance your meals with a cheesy taste.

Homemade Vegan Cheese

For those who enjoy a hands-on approach to cooking, making homemade vegan cheese is a rewarding endeavor. You can create a variety of vegan cheeses using ingredients like cashews, almonds, tofu, and nutritional yeast. Recipes are widely available online, allowing you to customize your cheese to your preferred taste and texture.

Vegan Cheese Brands: Exploring Local and Artisanal Options

In addition to the widely available commercial vegan cheese brands mentioned above, it's worth exploring local and artisanal vegan cheese options. Many small-scale producers craft unique and flavorful vegan cheeses using innovative ingredients and traditional cheese-making techniques. Check out your local farmers' markets, specialty food stores, or online platforms to discover hidden gems in the world of dairy-free cheese.

Living with lactose intolerance no longer means giving up the pleasures of cheese. The growing popularity of veganism and the demand for lactose-free alternatives have led to a diverse and delicious range of vegan cheese options. Whether you're seeking a meltable cheese for your favorite comfort foods or an artisanal, cultured cheese for a gourmet experience, there's a lactose-free vegan cheese for every palate. Experiment with different brands and flavors to find your favorites and embark on a delightful journey of dairy-free cheesiness. With these vegan cheese alternatives, you can enjoy the flavors and textures of cheese while respecting your lactose intolerance and supporting a more compassionate and sustainable food system.