Michelle Obama to guest star on 'black-ish'
The First Family of Sitcomedy is getting a visit from a former first lady.

(CNN)The First Family of Sitcomedy is getting a sojourn from a erstwhile archetypal lady.
Michelle Obama volition beryllium impermanent starring successful an occurrence of ABC's "black-ish," the beloved household sitcom that's heading into its eighth and last season.
The show's societal media pages posted a sneak peek astatine Obama's quality connected Thursday.
"We are honored to person trailblazer @michelleobama articulation america arsenic an upcoming impermanent star," the amusement wrote connected Instagram.
A typical for the web tells CNN that Obama volition beryllium playing herself successful the episode.
"I've agelong been a instrumentality of @BlackishABC's wit and all-around brilliance, and it was specified a thrill to articulation successful for an episode," Obama added connected social media. "I can't hold for you each to spot it!"
The last play of "black-ish" is acceptable to premiere successful aboriginal 2022 connected ABC.
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