Marvel confirms Charlie Cox to continue to play Daredevil
Charlie Cox is here to stay.

(CNN)Charlie Cox is present to stay.
The histrion has been confirmed to reprise his relation arsenic Daredevil successful the Marvel cinematic universe.
Kevin Feige, the caput of Marvel Studios, said successful an interrogation with CinemaBlend implicit the weekend, "If you were to spot Daredevil successful upcoming things, Charlie Cox, yes, would beryllium the histrion playing Daredevil."
Cox played the relation successful the Netflix bid from 2015-2018.
But, arsenic of now, determination are nary upcoming Daredevil projects successful the works.
"Where we spot [Cox arsenic Daredevil], however we spot that, erstwhile we spot that, remains to beryllium seen," Feige added.
Fans were implicit the satellite with the quality connected societal media erstwhile the interrogation published. They besides began speculating that helium whitethorn look successful the Disney+ bid "Hawkeye" and possibly successful the upcoming "Spider-Man: No Way Home" which hits theaters adjacent week.
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