Making Natural Dog Shampoo at Home

7 months ago 119

How to Make Homemade Natural Dog Shampoo

Ensuring the well-being of your furry friend involves not only feeding them nutritious meals and providing plenty of exercise but also maintaining their hygiene. Bathing your dog is an essential part of their grooming routine, but many commercial dog shampoos contain chemicals and artificial fragrances that may not be the best choice for your pet's skin and coat. Fortunately, you can make your own homemade natural dog shampoo that is gentle, effective, and safe. In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of creating a homemade natural dog shampoo that will leave your canine companion clean, happy, and healthy.

Why Go Natural?

Before diving into the recipe, it's essential to understand the benefits of using a homemade natural dog shampoo over commercial alternatives. Here are some compelling reasons to choose natural ingredients for your pet's grooming routine:

  • Avoid Harmful Chemicals: Commercial dog shampoos often contain harsh chemicals, such as sulfates and parabens, which can be harsh on your dog's sensitive skin. Homemade shampoos allow you to control the ingredients, ensuring they are safe and gentle.

  • Allergen-Free: Dogs, like humans, can have allergies. By using natural ingredients, you reduce the risk of exposing your pet to allergens or irritants that may trigger skin problems or discomfort.

  • Customization: Homemade shampoos can be tailored to your dog's specific needs. You can adjust the recipe to address issues like dry skin, allergies, or flea prevention.

  • Eco-Friendly: Creating your own dog shampoo reduces plastic waste from commercial shampoo bottles, contributing to a more sustainable lifestyle.

Now that you understand the advantages of natural dog shampoo let's dive into making your own.

Ingredients You'll Need

Here are the ingredients you'll need to create your homemade natural dog shampoo. They are readily available in most grocery stores and online retailers:

  • Liquid Castile Soap: This gentle soap is the base of your shampoo. It cleans effectively without being harsh on your dog's skin. Unscented or mild scents are best.

  • Water: You'll need distilled water to dilute the soap and ensure it's not too concentrated.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar: Apple cider vinegar helps balance your dog's skin pH, making it less prone to irritation. It also acts as a natural deodorizer.

  • Coconut Oil: Coconut oil is excellent for moisturizing your dog's skin and coat. It's also known for its antibacterial properties.

  • Essential Oils: Essential oils add fragrance and additional benefits to your shampoo. However, they should be used sparingly, as dogs have sensitive noses. Common options include lavender, chamomile, or tea tree oil (but use tea tree oil with caution, as it can be toxic in large quantities).

  • A Funnel and Empty Bottle: You'll need a funnel to pour your homemade shampoo into an empty bottle for storage.

  • Optional Ingredients: Depending on your dog's specific needs, you can add other ingredients such as aloe vera gel (soothing for irritated skin), oatmeal (calming for itchy skin), or neem oil (a natural flea repellent).

Homemade Natural Dog Shampoo Recipe

Now that you've gathered your ingredients let's get started with the homemade natural dog shampoo recipe. This recipe is for a basic, all-purpose shampoo, but you can customize it by adding optional ingredients as needed.


  • 1/2 cup of liquid Castile soap
  • 1/4 cup of distilled water
  • 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
  • 5-10 drops of your chosen essential oil (e.g., lavender, chamomile, or tea tree oil)


  • Prepare Your Workspace: Ensure that your workspace is clean and well-ventilated. Gather all your ingredients and equipment.

  • Mix the Base: In a mixing bowl, combine the liquid Castile soap, distilled water, and apple cider vinegar. Stir well to ensure they are thoroughly mixed.

  • Add Coconut Oil: Melt the coconut oil until it's in liquid form (if it's not already). You can do this by placing it in a microwave-safe container and heating it for a few seconds. Add the melted coconut oil to the mixture and stir again.

  • Scent It: Now, add 5-10 drops of your chosen essential oil to the mixture. Essential oils can be strong, so start with fewer drops and adjust to your preference. Stir the mixture thoroughly to distribute the scent evenly.

  • Transfer to a Bottle: Using a funnel, carefully pour the homemade dog shampoo into an empty bottle. Make sure the bottle is clean and dry before pouring the mixture.

  • Label the Bottle: It's essential to label the bottle with the contents and date to keep track of when you made the shampoo.

  • Shake Before Use: Before each use, give the bottle a gentle shake to mix the ingredients, as they may separate over time.

How to Use Homemade Natural Dog Shampoo

Now that you have your homemade natural dog shampoo ready, it's time to put it to use. Here are some tips on how to use it effectively:

  • Wet Your Dog: Start by wetting your dog's coat thoroughly with lukewarm water. Make sure the water is neither too hot nor too cold, as extreme temperatures can be uncomfortable for your pet.

  • Apply the Shampoo: Squeeze a small amount of the homemade shampoo onto your dog's wet coat. Be cautious not to get any in their eyes, ears, or mouth.

  • Massage In: Gently massage the shampoo into your dog's coat, working up a lather. Pay attention to areas where dirt and grime tend to accumulate, such as the paws and underbelly.

  • Rinse Thoroughly: Rinse your dog's coat thoroughly with lukewarm water until all the shampoo is washed out. Ensure there is no residue left on their skin or fur.

  • Towel Dry: Use a clean, dry towel to gently pat your dog dry. Avoid vigorous rubbing, as this can cause friction and tangle their fur.

  • Brush Their Coat: After your dog is mostly dry, use a dog brush or comb to detangle and fluff their coat. This step is essential for dogs with long or thick fur.

  • Reward and Praise: Don't forget to reward your dog with treats and praise for being a good pup during the bath.

Frequency of Bathing

The frequency of bathing your dog depends on various factors, including their breed, activity level, and coat type. In general:

  • Short-haired dogs: Once every 3-4 months or as needed.
  • Long-haired dogs: Every 4-6 weeks or as needed.
  • Active dogs: More frequent baths may be necessary, especially if they spend a lot of time outdoors.

Remember not to over-bathe your dog, as excessive bathing can strip their skin and coat of natural oils, leading to dryness and irritation. Always consult with your veterinarian if you're unsure about your dog's specific bathing needs.

Maintaining your dog's hygiene is a crucial aspect of responsible pet ownership. By making your homemade natural dog shampoo, you can ensure that your furry friend receives the best care without exposing them to potentially harmful chemicals found in commercial products. This simple recipe allows for customization to address your dog's specific needs while promoting their overall well-being.