How the James Webb telescope will rewrite the story of the universe
The most anticipated space telescope ever is about to launch. It will give us a clear picture of the first stars and reveal the atmospheres of exoplanets too – if it unfolds without a hitch

The astir anticipated abstraction scope ever is astir to launch. It volition springiness america a wide representation of the archetypal stars and uncover the atmospheres of exoplanets excessively – if it unfolds without a hitch Space 8 December 2021
By Colin Stuart
NASA, ESA, V. Ksoll and D. Gouliermis (Universität Heidelberg), et al.; Processing: Gladys Kober (NASA/Catholic University of America)
IN EARLY October, a cargo vessel steered to starboard, leaving the Atlantic Ocean disconnected the eastbound seashore of South America and entering the muddy waters of the Korou river. It was the last signifier of the voyage and nary effort had been spared to support the prized point connected board. It was housed wrong a specially designed lawsuit to support it harmless from the transportation and rotation of the waves. The stream had been dredged to guarantee the vessel didn’t get stuck successful the shallows. Even the nonstop day of the voyage had been kept secret, to debar the attraction of pirates.
The precious cargo was the James Webb Space Telescope, possibly the astir hotly anticipated technological instrumentality ever. Known arsenic the JWST, the scope has been much than 25 years successful the making and its motorboat has been delayed countless times. But it has present completed its voyage to the motorboat tract successful French Guiana and, if each goes smoothly, it volition yet permission Earth successful precocious December. “I inactive haven’t wrapped my caput astir it,” says Torsten Böker, lawman task idiosyncratic for the JWST astatine the European Space Agency (ESA). “It seems a small spot unreal.”
Removing covers from the mirrors of the James Webb Space Telescope NASA/Chris Gunn
Unreal not lone due to the fact that it has often looked similar the scope mightiness ne'er instrumentality off, but besides due to the fact that this instrumentality is designed to beryllium a clip instrumentality that volition assistance america spot backmost to the enigmatic epoch of the universe’s archetypal stars, which we cognize precious small about. Unreal, too, …
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