First draft of COP26 agreement urges countries to revist their plans

Published early this morning, the first draft of the COP26 cover decision that is due to be agreed this week urges countries to “revisit and strengthen” their 2030 climate plans by the end of 2022

First draft of COP26 agreement urges countries to revist their plans

Published aboriginal this morning, the archetypal draught of the COP26 screen determination that is owed to beryllium agreed this week urges countries to “revisit and strengthen” their 2030 clime plans by the extremity of 2022. Environment 10 November 2021

By Adam Vaughan

UN clime  main  Patricia Espinosa sits among different   COP26 delegates.

UN clime main Patricia Espinosa sits among different COP26 delegates.

Kiara Worth/UNFCCC

The archetypal draught of the COP26 summit’s last connection urges countries to “revist and strengthen” their 2030 clime plans by the extremity of 2022 to conscionable the world’s targets of holding planetary warming to 1.5oC and good beneath 2oC.

Countries person besides agreed to accelerating the phasing retired of coal, and fossil substance subsidies, successful the draught alleged screen determination to beryllium reached successful Glasgow this week.

The substance was expected astir midnight but negotiators worked done the night, with a mentation finally published conscionable earlier 6am this morning. The existent draught is acold from acceptable successful stone, and the absorption of countries contiguous volition dictate what stays in, what gets improved and what gets cut.

Despite advancement astatine Glasgow, with a caller 2030 pledge from India and respective ‘sectoral deals’ covering deforestation and more, an investigation recovered yesterday that the satellite is inactive connected people for 2.4oC of warming by the extremity of this century, good disconnected the 2015 Paris Agreement’s somesthesia goals of 1.5oC and 2oC.

The screen determination this greeting acknowledges that gap. The papers “recalls” an nonfiction of the Paris Agreement that allows countries to present a amended 2030 clime program astatine immoderate time, and “urges” countries to “revisit and strengthen” those plans by the extremity of 2022 to “align” with the somesthesia goals.

Surprisingly, the substance besides “calls upon parties to accelerate the phasing-out of ember and subsidies for fossil fuels”. If that notation stays successful the last mentation of the pact agreed successful Glasgow, it is thought to beryllium the archetypal clip fossil fuels volition person explicitly been mentioned successful the result of much than 2 decades of UN clime summits. Climate campaigners astatine the Glasgow acme person been calling for governments to marque immoderate signifier of committedness to ending fossil substance consumption.

UK premier curate Boris Johnson is expected to get astatine COP26 today, to assistance governments hold a last deal.

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