DeSantis Pushes Falsehoods, Announces “Stop Woke Act” to Stop Schools From Teaching Critical Race Theory

2 years ago 521

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, a Republican contiguous announced the “Stop Woke Act,” authorities intended to halt schools from teaching captious contention theory, a assemblage of ineligible and world assistance that aims to analyse however racism and disparate radical outcomes person shaped nationalist argumentation via often implicit societal and organization dynamics.

Today, we are taking a basal against captious contention mentation successful our schools and successful the workplace by calling for the enactment of the Stop W.O.K.E. Act,” helium announced connected Twitter.

Today, we are taking a basal against captious contention mentation successful our schools and successful the workplace by calling for the enactment of the Stop W.O.K.E. Act.

— Ron DeSantis (@GovRonDeSantis) December 15, 2021

Critical contention mentation is taught successful colleges, not successful nationalist schools, and surely not to young children, but DeSantis has continued to propulsion these falsehoods arsenic helium continues to tribunal conservatives who’ve fixed successful to these conspiracies astatine a clip erstwhile efforts to reposition the consequences and bequest of slavery arsenic elements captious to the humanities communicative proceed to summation traction.

According to DeSantis, captious contention mentation lone further divides children and teaches them to hatred each other.

The legislation, officially titled the “Stop Wrongs against Our Kids and Employees Act,” would empower parents to record lawsuits to enforce the prohibition of captious contention mentation lessons successful nationalist schools, defund superior and secondary acquisition successful the lawsuit they schools consultants connected the theory, and bars its concepts from being included successful worker training.

“It violates Florida standards to scapegoat idiosyncratic based connected their race, to accidental that they are inherently racist, to accidental that they are an oppressor, oregon oppressed oregon immoderate of that and that’s bully and that’s important. But we besides person to recognize that we person to bash much to marque definite that that really carries the time successful our classrooms and successful our society,” DeSantis said.

In his never-ending quest to beryllium much MAGA than immoderate different Governor, Desantis this greeting announces his ‘Stop WOKE Act’ to make a backstage close of action, modeled aft TX termination law, to writer schools if they drawback them teaching CRT.

— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) December 15, 2021

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