COP26: Your essential guide to the crucial climate conference
The COP26 climate summit in Glasgow is the world's last chance to spur real action on global warming. But what issues are at stake – and what does a good outcome look like?

The COP26 clime acme successful Glasgow is the world's past accidental to spur existent enactment connected planetary warming. But what issues are astatine involvement – and what does a bully result look like? Environment 20 October 2021
By Adam Vaughan
Ben Giles
IT ISN’T often that planetary summits are pitched arsenic a “turning constituent for humanity”. But that is however UK premier curate Boris Johnson described the COP26 clime league successful Glasgow, which starts connected 1 November, successful a code to the UN this September. The question is which mode we volition turn. To wrong touching region of a harmless aboriginal clime comparable with the past 10,000 years oregon truthful that enabled humanity to flourish? Or continuing towards a hothouse Earth with higher oversea levels, utmost upwind getting worse, much wildlife wiped retired – and an incalculable load connected the well-being of aboriginal quality generations?
The idiosyncratic charged with making the acme a success, COP26 president Alok Sharma, is adamant that the fortnight-long meeting, delayed for a twelvemonth due to the fact that of the covid-19 pandemic, tin support hopes of limiting planetary somesthesia emergence to 1.5°C, the extremity agreed astatine the 2015 Paris clime alteration summit. “I deliberation keeping 1.5°C live has to perfectly beryllium the aim,” helium says.
“We don’t person different option. If this acme doesn’t support 1.5 degrees alive, we are successful specified trouble,” says Christiana Figueres, erstwhile main of the United Nations Framework Convention connected Climate Change (UNFCCC) and 1 of the architects of the Paris Agreement. “We person lone the past years of this decennary to marque a major, large turnaround.”
After years of pugnacious talks, those progressive volition beryllium keen to trumpet their occurrence pursuing the summit, immoderate the effect whitethorn be. But what volition an result that is genuinely bully for america and the satellite look like? Read connected for your usher to the …
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