Category: Science

VPNs could be vulnerable to attacks that send you to fa...

Virtual private networks (VPNs), which have seen a rise in use as more people work from home, are vulnerable to an attack that rem...

Tiny human brain grown in lab has eye-like structures t...

Small blobs of human brain grown in a dish have been coaxed into forming rudimentary eyes that respond to light. They could help u...

Male chimps with more friends are more likely to have o...

Male chimpanzees with stronger social bonds have higher reproductive success, probably because their friendships help them climb t...

Enormous lasers have created the highest-pressure condi...

The immense lasers at the US National Ignition Facility have created the highest-pressure conditions ever made in a laboratory, br...

Astronomers may have spotted a new spiral arm of the Mi...

Researchers have found a colossal filament of gas called Cattail at the edge of the galaxy – it could be a new spiral arm of the M...

Will the IPCC report help focus politicians' minds on c...

The recent report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change outlined the significant carbon cuts needed to avoid the worst ...

Bacterial probiotics could help protect corals from oce...

Coral reefs around the world are threatened by warming temperatures which cause them to bleach – but they might get some relief th...

US wildfire pollution linked to more covid-19 cases and...

Polluted air caused by smoke released from record-breaking wildfires in the US last year has been linked to a strong increase in c...

Covid-19: Why the UK needs to forget about herd immunit...

The threshold for eliminating covid-19 in the UK through herd immunity is out of reach, so it’s time to think about how to live wi...

Ancient comb jelly had more complex nerves than its mod...

A 500-million-year-old comb jelly is so well-preserved that it’s possible to see it had a nervous system more complex than that of...

Colombia's peace treaty accidentally sparks increase in...

The end of Colombia's civil war in 2016 unwittingly caused an increase in deforestation across the country as Marxist guerrillas n...

Humanitarian aid guided by satellite data may harm marg...

Policy-makers can use satellite data to quickly identify areas of the world in need of humanitarian aid, but it might contain bias...

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